Most homeowners have a curious relationship with their boilers. They understand that this hard working beast of a machine is the heart of the house. However, they don’t necessarily understand how it works or what to do if it runs into problems. Fortunately, there are some superb boiler maintenance companies which can take care of all of this on your behalf. So, you don’t need to know a lot about what your boiler does and why, as long as you have the number of a reliable repair and installation service to hand. These local providers are fast to respond, offer fantastic rates, and can fix everything from a cracked pipe to a sludgy tank. What they’re also good at is distinguishing between a genuine boiler breakdown and a system that’s merely in need of a little TLC. Keep reading for advice on how to tell whether your boiler needs a full replacement or just a routine flush and clean.
The Cost of a Boiler InstallationThe reality is that boilers are expensive. They are designed to last longer than a decade, so they represent an investment in the future of your home. Yet, a full boiler installation is not necessarily the only option if a system develops problems. In many cases, a routine power flush is all that’s needed to clear the system of debris and fix underlying issues. It is a common service and plumbing companies in Suffolk provide it on a regular basis. This is important, because it saves you money and prolongs the life of your plumbing. Power flushing is often required, because the minerals in feed water build up inside the tank. They stick to the walls and form a thick sludge which makes it hard for the entire boiler to heat up at the same rate. In fact, it is one of the most common reasons for inefficiency and poor heat distribution.
Identifying the Source of the FaultSo, before homeowners in Suffolk consider a full boiler installation, they are advised to enquire about the viability of a power flush. The technician will carry out a heat efficiency test, in order to determine how well the system is functioning. Generally, the rule of thumb is that, if a tank has an efficiency score of less than 75%, it is probably more cost effective to replace it with a new one. Otherwise, a quarter (or more) of your energy bill is going to be wasted. Similarly, if there are holes or leaks in the tank (usually due to rust), it should be replaced as soon as possible. Power flushing alone can’t solve this problem, so it is important to arrange an installation before the leaks develop into serious water damage. If your boiler starts to make strange clanking and banging sounds, get it checked out. Normally, this can be fixed with a flush or a water treatment, but it can be related to more debilitating problems too.
The Importance of Routine MaintenanceThe best way to keep your boiler and plumbing running smoothly is with scheduled checks and maintenance. This just means that, instead of waiting for the system to need an inspection, you sign up to an annual program and let the technicians take care of everything. They will turn up, at various points throughout the year, to perform power flushes, empty radiators, descale boilers, and ensure that your system stays happy and healthy. For more advice on boiler maintenance and installation, visit Ignis Heating. Or, call 01473 353 599 to arrange an inspection or repairs.
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