There’s no fun in preparing for the worst, but it’s a necessary part of being a homeowner, especially when it comes to plumbing. Leaky pipes are a very common occurrence in with blockages a close second on the list of dreaded household meltdowns. Where there is water, there is the potential for trouble, but you can prevent it with regular maintenance. Most plumbers in Ipswich are part of companies which offer annual servicing packages. This means that, for a small monthly premium, you get full protection. At various points throughout the year, a technician will come out to your home and perform a plumbing and boiler inspection. It is, by far, the best way to spot signs of trouble early. If the worst does happen and you do spring a leak, use the following steps to minimise the damage and seek professional assistance.
Stop the LeakHopefully, the problem is a minor one and you’re not looking at the prospect of extensive water damage. If the leak is very small, you might be able to collect the excess liquid in a bucket until help arrives. Usually though, it is best to try and shut off the water supply while you look for local plumbers. Certainly, if there is any chance of kitchen or bathroom materials being damaged, you should cut off the supply immediately. The easiest way to do this is to turn the valve under the primary sink. This should stop water from coming out of all your faucets.
Open the FaucetsEven with the water valve turned off, you can open the faucets and let them run dry. This will, hopefully, direct some of that excess liquid away from the impacted pipe and into the sink, where it won’t cause any damage. In emergency situations, when you can’t find or don’t have access to the shut off valve, you may be able to stymie the flow with duct tape. This is a very temporary fix, but it can hold a cracked pipe together until help arrives. Don’t forget to have those buckets ready.
Soak Up the WaterOnce you’ve stopped excess water from entering your home, you can think about removing any liquid which has leaked out. The most effective way to do this is with a wet vacuum, but only a small proportion of people will have one. In most cases, the best option is to gather as many towels as you can and lay them on the floor. They will soak up water quickly, but you can wring them out and repeat the process as needed. Carpets are hard to tackle, but minimise the damage by avoiding constant foot traffic.
Call the PlumberThe good news is that there are plenty of fantastic plumbers in Ipswich. Get yourself the number of a reputable company and call them for help. You are likely to receive a quick response if you pick a local provider. However, if you do have to wait for assistance, make sure to ask for advice on what to do in the meantime. These experts can give you information on how to use shut off valves, how to remove standing water, and how to identify water related hazards. For more advice, click here to visit Ignis Heating today. Or, call 01473 700075 to speak to a technician and arrange a home visit.
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